Covid19, a Call For Relief and Support

Dear Supporters, Caregivers and Survivors, We sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are well. In these unusual times we are all on high alert with concern for our well being and our community. I wanted to share with you that For The Love Of Cups is actively seeking solutions to support and protect the women facing cancer in our community to feel safe and connected to services especially for those in active treatment. We've rapidly increased our virtual outreach across the United States, especially for our communities in the hardest hit areas of Washington, California, Florida and New York, to assess the greatest needs. We’ve started a mentorship program within our local communities so women who are healthy and able to offer “on the ground support” to women at high risk, can connect to each other.
“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
Mr. Rogers
Now more than ever community is essential and we are in great need of more helpers. And, if you are in need of support please reach out to us so we can connect you to support in your area.
Here’s how you can help with our most urgent needs:
Your donation today will enable us to support the increasing number of women at the highest risk of illness to access services and meet their most basic needs.
$100 will fill a grocery cart for a woman and her child.
$500 will fill grocery carts, fill gas tanks for trips to Drs. appointments and delivery of goods so that women in treatment can stay out of the grocery stores.
Please consider making a DONATION HERE
Thank you for your care, your heart and your concern. We are truly all in this together and together we will come through this stronger than ever. We're a community in need of the helpers. Cancer survivors live with the reality of a health crisis every day, the need now is greater than ever. If you have resources, time, talent, writing, online outreach skills, leadership, services, energy, healing services, goods or financial support to offer please reply to this email and let us know. We are truly in this together and are so incredibly grateful for you, our caregivers, supporters, healers, advocates and friends. With Love and Connection, Lisa and For The Love Of Cups Team