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Founding Message

My battle with breast cancer would have never been possible without support and love. It has made me appreciate the battles others have had even more. Especially, my mother who had to fight breast cancer, not just once, but twice. Without my mom sharing her experience with me I would not be here today. She has inspired me in more ways than she will ever know.

There are so many more who have fought and are fighting for their lives in this moment. It breaks my heart to hear of each new diagnosis and of each warrior stolen from this earth too soon. I believe in my core that the only way to beat cancer is by fighting it together, with love, support and education.

There is no other way.

Having been inspired by my mother and motivated by my daughters, I have decided to make supporting women, making informed choices about our health my full time mission, to ease suffering and improve quality of life. Until no more loved ones are lost to this wretched disease, we must not stop. I am overwhelmed by this challenge but I know that together we can have major impact in the fight against breast cancer and that together we can save lives.

This is a humbling mission, the work that lies ahead is sobering and there is no way I can accomplish this alone. I've been incredibly blessed to have tremendous support in my home, family and community during my personal battle. I'm amazed at how much these people continue to stand by me, and want to help make a difference. These same men and women have stepped forward to join me on this mission. Now we are asking for your help too.

The path to this point has unfolded in ways I never imagined. I believe this where we are all meant to be, to create this powerful and meaningful organization.

For The Love Of Cups is a non profit 501(c)(3) organization. We provide critical funding for support, research and advanced screenings methods for breast cancer to ensure that everyone receives the benefits of early detection. With love as our driving force we seek to improve and extend the quality of life for all breast cancer survivors.

Please take a moment to visit our site and if you can help in any way please let us know. We are actively looking for donations, sponsors, partnerships, and grants. We will be fundraising nationally and locally.

And please, learn about your risk factors and the best screening methods for you. It may just be your life that you save.

I sincerely thank you all.

With much love,


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