The Four Crucial Questions You Need to Ask at Your Mammogram Appointment
Up to 50% of the women of screening age, have dense breast tissue. Adjunct screening in the form of Breast Ultrasound or Breast MRI is requi

Cancers First Responders
TO MY FIRST RESPONDERS. For all the battles you fought on my behalf that I wasn’t aware of or even awake for, my goodness, thank you. To...

We Believe, An open letter to the FDA. Re: Mammography Quality Standards Act
Dear FDA, We believe, that every woman and man has a right to receive the benefits of early breast cancer detection and truly informed...

I Chose A Double Mastectomy To Avoid Radiation & Chemo. Now I Needed Both.
Here is a little history on me and my battle with Breast Cancer: I have been getting mammograms since my mid 20’s since I had a fibroid...

What Is Your Density?
Breast density is recognized as one of and possibly the strongest risk factor associated with development of breast cancer, according to...

How To Manage Your Support Team And Let Their Light Shine
When I started this journey just a short time ago, I never would have thought that the emotional and psychological battles would have...

How Better Imaging Confirmed My Decision To Have A Bilateral Mastectomy
Cancer. A six letter word that wasn’t in my vocabulary. At least not until recently. I was proud that I could check “Excellent” when...

The Risk Factor No Doctor Told Me About
I have been having mammograms since I was 35, because I have a family history of breast cancer in both of my parents families. My...

Founding Message
My battle with breast cancer would have never been possible without support and love. It has made me appreciate the battles others have...

Take Your Pink Ribbon To The Next Level
What’s in a pink ribbon? To some it’s a symbol of hope and unity. It says I am with you. I support you