Cancers First Responders
TO MY FIRST RESPONDERS. For all the battles you fought on my behalf that I wasn’t aware of or even awake for, my goodness, thank you. To...

Wisdom In Crisis. In their own words, from the one's who have been there.
I have something truly special to share with you today. Yes, it’s Giving Tuesday and I’m supposed to be writing a plea for your...

Covid19, a Call For Relief and Support
Dear Supporters, Caregivers and Survivors, We sincerely hope that you and your loved ones are well. In these unusual times we are all on...

We Believe, An open letter to the FDA. Re: Mammography Quality Standards Act
Dear FDA, We believe, that every woman and man has a right to receive the benefits of early breast cancer detection and truly informed...

How My 3D Mammogram Missed a Mass So Large I Could Feel It.
I was 50 years old at the time of diagnosis and had had yearly mammograms since the age of 40. Each year, when I got my test results,...

What to do if you receive a breast density notification
What do you do if you have dense breast tissue? First, take a deep breath, you’ve got this! Start asking questions and taking notes. You...

Our Programs Are Expanding, Our mission Remains The Same
The results are in and the conclusion is this: Community is non-negotiable. Last month we sent out a survey to women facing cancer a...

What Are BI-RADS Anyway?
If you are diagnosed with dense breast tissue a breast ultrasound is necessary to screen for breast cancer, mammogram alone is not enough.

Your Mammogram Is Inconclusive
Sadly, this isn’t the language or followup typically being used for women with dense breast tissue in the United States. More often than not

A Life List Moment for Me
This will stand out as one of those great moments I will treasure for a long time and it will continue to inspire the work I do. I have...