How To Manage Your Support Team And Let Their Light Shine
When I started this journey just a short time ago, I never would have thought that the emotional and psychological battles would have...

How Better Imaging Confirmed My Decision To Have A Bilateral Mastectomy
Cancer. A six letter word that wasn’t in my vocabulary. At least not until recently. I was proud that I could check “Excellent” when...

A Lonely Diagnosis And A New Sisterhood
This past Sunday, I found out I will be a grandmother for the first time, an answered prayer. I am full of joy and dread, I feel I have...

The Risk Factor No Doctor Told Me About
I have been having mammograms since I was 35, because I have a family history of breast cancer in both of my parents families. My...

How Many More Breast Cancers Will Be Missed By Mammogram Alone?
I will never forget the day I stepped foot into my doctor's office. He sat me down, looked me straight in the eyes and said, "Yep, you have

A Mastectomy Is An Amputation
Unlike losing a limb in an accident or other tragedy where there is obvious pain and trauma, losing your breasts, that appear normal and hea